Learning & Development Coaching Consultancy
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Competence & Traits

  • For Organizations
  • For Individuals
What is it?

Competence refers to the combination of skills, knowledge, and abilities that enable individuals to perform tasks effectively and efficiently. For organizations, upskilling the competencies of their teams means actively investing in the development of their employees' skills to meet the evolving demands of the business environment. This process not only enhances team performance but also ensures the organization remains competitive and innovative.

Why is it important now?

The benefits of upskilling team competencies for organizations are:

  • Enhanced performance: Improving the competencies of team members leads to better performance, higher productivity, and more efficient processes.
  • Adaptability: In a rapidly changing business landscape, upskilling helps teams stay agile and adaptable, enabling the organization to respond effectively to new challenges and opportunities.
  • Innovation: A skilled and knowledgeable workforce is more likely to generate innovative ideas and solutions, driving the organization forward.
  • Employee engagement and retention: Investing in employee development shows a commitment to their growth, leading to higher job satisfaction, engagement, and retention rates.
  • Competitive advantage: By continuously improving the competencies of their teams, organizations can maintain a competitive edge in the market, attracting top talent and achieving better business outcomes.
The cost of not taking action:

Not upskilling team competencies can lead to:

  • Reduced performance: Teams that lack the necessary skills may struggle to meet performance expectations, leading to decreased productivity and efficiency.
  • Inflexibility: Without upskilling, teams may find it difficult to adapt to changes in the business environment, putting the organization at a disadvantage.
  • Stagnation: Failing to invest in skill development can result in a lack of innovation and growth, causing the organization to fall behind competitors.
  • Higher turnover: Employees who do not see opportunities for growth and development may become disengaged and seek employment elsewhere, leading to higher turnover rates and increased recruitment costs.
  • Diminished reputation: Organizations that do not prioritize employee development may struggle to attract top talent, impacting their reputation and ability to compete in the market.
How we help you implement it:

At AHCC, we implement upskilling through a structured approach using Harrison assessments to measure employee competencies. Our certified coaches identify areas for development and provide personalized coaching, guiding participants through planned action and strategic development initiatives. This ensures your team enhances their skills effectively, meeting organizational needs and driving success.

Take action now:

Contact us today to invest in Harrison assessments for your employees and unlock their full potential to enhance their performance and drive your business forward.


Multiple Language
Personalized Coaching
Personal Assessment & Report

Impact of Understanding Your Employees’ Competencies

  • Being able to measure, record and monitor, and ultimately prove the competence of staff, will have positive effects on any organisation’s bottom line. Source
  • Competitive advantage comes from developing both employee capability and competence to achieve overall organizational capability. Source
  • To engage and retain people, particularly your ambitious high potentials and top talent, employees want to know about and have a clear plan for their individual development path. Source
What is it?

Competence refers to the combination of skills, traits, and stregnths that enable you to perform tasks effectively and efficiently. Upskilling for competence means actively acquiring new skills and traits or enhancing existing ones to meet the demands of your current job or prepare for future roles. By upskilling, you not only improve your job performance but also ensure that you stay relevant and competitive in the job market.

Why is it important now?

The benefits of upskilling for competence are:

  • Improved self-awareness: Understanding your competencies helps you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, leading to better self-awareness and personal development.
  • Targeted skill development: With precise knowledge of your skill gaps, you can focus on acquiring the necessary skills to excel in your career, ensuring that your development efforts are effective and efficient.
  • Increased confidence: Knowing your unique strengths and having the skills to back them up boosts your confidence, enabling you to take on new challenges and opportunities.
  • Enhanced career prospects: By continuously improving your competencies, you position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market, increasing your chances of career advancement and job security.
The cost of not taking action:

Not upskilling and understanding your competencies can lead to:

  • Stagnation: Without a clear understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement, you may struggle to progress in your career or personal development.
  • Missed opportunities: Lacking confidence in your abilities can prevent you from seizing new opportunities and challenges, limiting your career growth.
  • Ineffective skill development: Investing time and resources in generic skill development without understanding your specific needs can be inefficient and unproductive.
  • Lower self-esteem: Not recognizing and developing your strengths can lead to lower self-esteem and motivation, negatively impacting your overall performance and job satisfaction.
How we help you implement it:

AHCC’s certified coaches and consultants use the Harrison assessments and systems to measure, guide and upskill your competencies. These advanced tools provide detailed insights into your strengths, helping you make informed decisions and achieve your personal and professional goals. Our certified coaches work with you to better understand, and set action plans on key areas that need to be developed in order for you to become more competent for your present job or the desired job you would like to grow into.

Contact us today to take your Harrison assessment and unlock your full potential to enhance your performance and achieve your goals.


Multiple Language
Personalized Coaching
Personal Assessment & Report

Impact of Understanding Your Competencies

  • Increased competence helps you cope when faced with things outside of normal parameters. Source
  • At an individual level, competence impacts job satisfaction and wages. At a firm level, it dampens productivity and turnover growth and increases on-the-job search costs, contributing to the increase of the unemployment natural rate at a macroeconomic level. Source
  • Delivered byCertified Coaches
  • LocationClient site or AHCC
  • Mode of deliveryIn person / Online
  • LanguagesMultiple Languages