Learning & Development Coaching Consultancy
Get in touch: +971 4 240 2422

Purpose & Vision

  • For Organizations
  • For Individuals
What is it?

At AHCC, we firmly believe that purpose is a cornerstone of success for organizations and their leaders. When individuals connect with their life purpose, it transcends mere job satisfaction and becomes a powerful driving force that permeates all aspects of their professional and personal lives. This profound sense of purpose instills passion and dedication, propelling people to go above and beyond in their role and leading to increased productivity, enhanced teamwork, and, ultimately, greater organizational success.

Why is it important now?

Studies have consistently shown the remarkable impact of purpose at work. According to a collaborative research done by Harvard Business School (HBS) and Great Place To Work, companies whose employees feel a sense of purpose at work and believe their leaders set clear direction and expectations outperform the stock market by 6.9%. Further research indicates that purpose at work improves motivation and productivity and can impact loyalty with a Forbes article stating that a massive 89% of leaders asserting that “a strong sense of collective purpose drives employee satisfaction.”

The benefits of cultivating purpose at work extend well beyond individual performance. A purpose-driven corporate culture instills a sense of belonging and camaraderie among team members, leading to improved collaboration and innovation. Moreover, not only does purpose align employees with the company's mission and values – resulting in a workforce that is more motivated, engaged, and committed to achieving collective goals – it helps organizations improve and increase brand sentiment and equity with their stakeholders.

How we help you implement it:

At AHCC, we specialize in guiding individuals and leaders to unearth their true purpose, helping them tap into their potential for greater fulfillment and success. Through our evidence-based coaching programs and using the Discover Your Purpose Survey from Health Improvement Solutions, we have witnessed first-hand the transformative effects of purpose-driven leadership and its positive impact on organizational performance. By partnering with us, your organization can unlock the full potential of purpose at work, reaping the benefits of a motivated and inspired workforce that thrives in a culture of purpose and happiness.

Take action now:

Contact us today to understand how to unlock this hidden potential for the far-reaching benefit of your organization.


Multiple Language
Personalized Coaching
Personal Assessment & Report

Impact of Purpose at Work

  • People who live their purpose at work are more productive than people who don’t. They are also healthier, more resilient, and more likely to stay at the company. Source
  • Employees who report that their job has a "special meaning: this is not 'just a job'" are 4 times more likely to give extra, 11 times more committed to staying with their organizations, and 14 times more likely to look forward to coming to work than employees at peer companies. Source
  • Brands with a purpose set on improving our quality of life outperform the stock market by 120%. Source
What is it?

Discovering and embracing our life purpose is a transformative journey that gives every aspect of our existence profound significance. When we are in tune with our purpose, our decisions, actions, and behaviors resonate harmoniously across all spheres of our lives, filling each moment with purposeful meaning.

Why is it important now?

Understanding our life purpose offers us a clear compass, guiding our efforts with unwavering focus. Living in alignment with our purpose empowers us to unleash our greatest potential on the world. By knowing precisely what matters to us on a fundamental level, we can fully express ourselves and direct our energy toward what truly counts to a life of focused dedication, contributing to the greater good with our unique gifts and talents.

How we help you implement it:

At AHCC, we each personally understand the significance of discovering and embracing your life purpose. Our expertise lies in helping individuals like you embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery using the Discover Your Purpose Survey from Health Improvement Solutions. We believe that with the right guidance and support, you can unlock your true potential and live a life that is not only purpose-driven but also deeply fulfilling.

Take action now:

Contact us today to embark on this meaningful journey together, discovering your life purpose and crafting a path that aligns with your values and aspirations, empowering you to create a life you are truly passionate about.


Multiple Language
Personalized Coaching
Personal Assessment & Report

Impact of Knowing Your Purpose

  • When you do something that you have a sense of fulfillment of, your life matters. You create impact and can contribute to the greater good — making a difference in your life, your family, and those around you. Source
  • Having a life purpose may improve your health by reducing stress and inflammation and motivating you to lead a healthier lifestyle: eat healthier, sleep longer, and exercise more. Source
  • Living a life of purpose can lead to better health, happiness, stronger relationships, better sleep, healthier aging, better mental health, better heart health, and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Source
  • Delivered byCertified Coaches
  • LocationClient site or AHCC
  • Mode of deliveryIn person / Online
  • LanguagesMultiple Languages